Tuesday 29 January 2013

New Beginings... with the help of music,film & a few realistic quotes

After 4 months of being down and out i  decided that its time for me to teach myself about myself. My problem has been like i have said before that I'm not really sure who i am anymore - a lose of identity. I'm one of those people that can shell out bullet proof advice for every man and his dog without judgement but refuse to take any advise from others, usually because its half hearten bullshit that people reiterate to any one of there friends or family members in a time of need. So Ive decided to fix the problem myself, be my own teacher..... teach myself about myself.

My Tools..............


Until you do right by me everything you think about is gonna crumble!

“Who are you to judge the life I live?
I know I'm not perfect
-and I don't live to be-
but before you start pointing fingers...
make sure you hands are clean!”  

Stage one in progresss.........



Warning: Do not molest me!

Set in the near future, Frank, a retired cat burglar, has two grown kids who are concerned he can no longer live alone. They are tempted to place him in a nursing home until Frank's son chooses a different option: against the old man's wishes, he buys Frank a walking, talking humanoid robot programmed to improve his physical and mental health. What follows is an often hilarious and somewhat heartbreaking story about finding friends and family in the most unexpected places.

I watched this film a few days ago. Worth a watch but not life changing! Solid story with inevitable ending... a few ''funnies' but was more of a drama than anything else.  Glad i didn't pay to watch it that's for sure.

We're all fucked!

Did this blow your mind like it blew mine? I bet it did!

0:10 Boxed In
The left-right puppet and additional layer of disenfranchisement, keeping you distracted while Drako weaves his web.
1:13 Lily
And suddenly a startling realization arose in Lily: "This apple is not mine", she thought.
"It belongs to someone else."
2:4 Sadness
2:17 More Skullduggery
2:30 Lady Helotry
2:34 Prey
2:56 Drako
The Sorcerer, the unseen hand and spirit of madness seeking ever more control through trickery, lies, poisons, false-flag events, wars, and mountains of beauracratic and legal framework to siphon off the energy of the inhabitants of the earth. He fears the light of day as he fears life itself, and operates in the shadows. His greatest power is his hold on the issuance of the currency.
3:13 Pietà
3:20 Aali
The whirling heart of Islam awakened to the one true God! He is free and needs no control.
3:32 Juan "Pepito"
After years of economic exploitation and the environmental degradation, Juan "Pepito" has a decidedly sinking feeling.
3:42 Sun-Sue
Opposing courageously those who would enslave her.
3:43 Skullduggery
4:6 Fire Of Truth
That's YOU!!! when you stand in the awareness of your sonship with the Divine and the
brotherhood of mankind!!!
4:45 Madame Q
Madame Q's point of suffering is sex. Is it repression or indulgence?
We don't know. Yet their is definitely shame there
5:15 Ludovic
In Latin, ludo means to play and ovis (ovum/ovis) can mean egg. The egg is a symbol of the potential, genetics, and of the soul.
Ovis can also mean sheep in Latin.
But in reality, Ludovic comes from a Germanic name meaning illustrious in combat.
5:31 L'enfant Bleu
The keeper of the flame.
6:08 the sleeper must awake (see Dune)

Friday 25 January 2013

Its Friday...

Which only means one thing....

J.A.M'S Pic of the week

Me and my sisters ............. The Mini's 

Ancient tradition gone to far?

When a Kyrgyz man decides to marry, he often abducts the woman he has chosen. Typically, he and several friends hire a car, stake out his bride-to-be's movements, snatch her off the street, and take her to the groom's family home. A delegation is then sent to her family. The abducted woman is held until someone from her family arrives to determine whether they will accept the "proposal" and she will agree to marry her kidnapper.

BRIDE KIDNAPPING documents in harrowing detail four such abductions, from the violent seizures on city streets and the tearful protests of the women, who are physically restrained and persuaded to accept their fate by the women of the groom's family, to the often tense negotiations between the respective families, and either the eventual acquiescence or continued refusal of the young women.

J.A.M'S Jam of the week!

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Hank Moody is back.....

And Charlie is gay!

Californication is back yet again for a new season and so far Becca has quit school to be a writer (go figure) Karen got high and got a job, Marcy is , well typical Marcy and after a intervention from all of his nearest and dearest ,Hanks in rehab! Oh and of course he meets a pretty young girl with her own issues whilst he there, obviously! Not before getting raped....Dont ask,youl need to watch it!

I'm hoping though that this season its not your typical hank gets drunk,fucks,fucks his kids head up,starts all over again yadda yadda...BORIN NOW GUYS.

Hank drinks his own piss in the first episode so you can see where im coming from.

But still you've gotta love him!

I just hope the writers know what there doing or this might be the last season.


Tuesday 22 January 2013

Out with the old,in with the new - or so Brazillian Goverment seem to think

Brazils poorest residents at indefinite risk of losing livelihood  in preparation for Rio 2016 
Thousands of Rio’s poorest residents are living in fear of losing their homes to forced evictions that are destroying their communities. 170,000 Brazilians are at risk of losing—or have already lost—their homes in forced evictions tied to preparations for the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016. Forced evictions happen primarily in highly valued areas of cities, resulting in the expulsion of the poorest people to the outskirts, where there is no access to basic public services.  
 Humans rights group WITNESS have made a short documentary about the evictions highlighting just how the people of Brazil’s shanty towns are currently suffering.  WITNESS partner ANCOP is organizing several events around the Rio+20 Conference to send a message that development that violates human rights is NOT development, and Brazilian government must commit to upholding the law and international human rights obligations by putting an end to forced evictions tied to mega events. 

More than 3,000 troops launched a pre-dawn assault on Brazil's largest shantytown , driving heavily-armed gang members from Rio's Rocinha favela as part of an continuing effort to clean up the 2016 Olympic city. At around 4.06am armoured personnel carriers clattered into the slum.  Residents had hung banners asking for peace from their balconies and windows but special forces met no resistance as they piled into the slum's alleys past shuttered shops, stray dogs and heaps of rubbish.
Susanna Lira a Brazilian born film maker said ‘’ I have witnessed how the city is changing, and changing fast, as a result. Huge infrastructure projects have been launched to prepare the city for these events. In order to make way for new highways and transport infrastructure many families have lost their homes.’’
So who are listening to the voices of the vulnerable?    
According to the City of Rio, 140,000 people from the most vulnerable areas will be able to benefit from the ‘’Alliance for Sport and Development’’ which aims to better the lives of many children. This initiative has brought together key partners FC Barcelona Foundation, NBA and Inter-American Development Bank who say this WILL improve the lives of underprivileged children and youth in Rio de Janeiro.
‘’The project will contribute to the legacy of the World Cup and the Olympics and to an enduring development impact in Rio and in Brazil,” said IDB President Luis Alberto Moreno. “The IDB has helped train thousands of youths in our sports for development programs and we´ve seen how sports can help a community develop in an integral way.”

With that being said many of the tenants that have lost their homes without warning still haven’t been given any compensation or answers. With many of them planning to protest you really get the feeling that these people are seen as disposable.
With similarities to Beijing 2008 Olympics where 1.5 million residents going through the same scenario ,  the clear up will continue indefinably with or without protest.
“Hosting the Olympics should be a cause for celebration not fear,” says Yvette J. Alberdingk Thijm, Executive Director of WITNESS, a human rights group that did a short documentary about the evictions. “Forced evictions undermine the mission and spirit of the games.  We call on government officials to immediately put a stop to the practice of forced evictions.”

The 2016 Olympics coupled with the 2014 FIFA World Cup has brought a lot of human traffic to the financial capital of Brazil. However, the forced eviction is tempering the nerve of the people who are either affected by it or are indirectly involved in the labour chain.
Mega event clean ups like Beijing & Rio are seen as acceptable but London 2012 didn’t have a mega clean up and I’m sure if that was the British nations voices would have been heard . So why is it acceptable in countries where the vulnerable and less fortunate doesn’t get heard. 
It seems that the idea is for Rio to become a more ecstatically pleasing capital where the original culture of slums and shanty towns will be wiped out for a more higher classed lifestyle. 
Among many companies capitalizing on a  new look Rio, Donald Trump has announced plans for the largest office complex in Brazil as part of the controversial redevelopment . 
With the redevelopment being obviously money motivated the hope for residents over the next few years is bleak. With the mind-set of the authorities thinking progress is demolishing  community’s just so they can host the Olympics for a few weeks , many of the residents know that the peoples country has become nothing but a cooperate foundation for offshore investments with a  ‘’your with us or against us ‘’ attitude.
Will the IOC  will pick a more established country for Olympics 2020 ?  Or will it be  more  communities being forced from their homes to make way for profitable arenas and international investments .

King Kendrick....

After a long awaited few  months KENDRICK LAMAR finally began his first uk tour, and what a show he put on! Friday 18th saw him perform at Birmingham's HMV Institute

User submitted photoThe gig was fuckin insane,and we as his fans raved it up!
It was like every single person n the place were all hardcore fans more time it was the crowd performing his songs lyric for lyric.
The crowd were on there scruface-skank,which was definitely fitting with the impeccable systems HMV have. The place got hype quick.

With performances of songs from his album Good Kid,M.A.A.D City ( The Art of Peer Pressure (Intro),Money Trees
Backseat Freestyle .Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe ,Poetic Justice,The Recipe,m.A.A.d city ,Swimming Pools (Drank). As well as songs from his critically exclaimed digital albums O.verly D.edicated & Section 80 like P&P , Hol'' Up, Tammys Song and A.D.H.D- the set list was on point.

Unfortunately for me, and probably many other fans that night, He didn't perform ''Compton'' which i had be highly anticipating, that being said that was my only issue but you cant have everything can ya !

Kendrick Lamar "good kid, m.A.A.d city" Tracklist, Cover Art & Production Credits

The concept album follows the story of a young Lamar growing up in Compton, California, while including skits at the end of several tracks that relate to the story of the album. It is referred to as a "short film by Kendrick Lamar" on the album cover. The album's concept narrates a teenage Kendrick borrowing his mother's van to visit a girl named Sherane and experiencing the Compton gang lifestyle with his friends, then entering reality after the death of a friend during a shoot-out

Section.80 is a concept album that revolves around the life of Tammy and Keisha and it explains their personal hardships in their lives. "Tammy's Song (Her Evils)" revolves around two girls cheating on their boyfriends after discovering they were unfaithful, and eventually sleeping with each other because they can't trust men. "Keisha's Song (Her Pain)" is about a prostitute who seeks comfort and control, only to her demise. Lamar explains that Section.80 is for people born in the 1980s until now.

Although King .K smashed it, his support acts really baffled me. I'm all for upcoming artists but without a doubt Rascals were not the right vibe, and god they got much more stage time than they should of had.

These guys couldn't get a staffy hype!
These guys should of came out done 2 songs then left! but instead they performed ,i duno how many tunes but it was to much. it resulted in them being boo'ed and being left hanging when everyone refused to ''put ya hands up'' - it was just plain embarrassing. But yeah, good luck an all that guys but stick to ur target audience

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Where am i?

Ive noticed lately that I'm going through some kind of weird life transaction which is moving much quicker than I'm able to grasp! Ive gone from being a confident yet a little  strange teenager with a ''set in stone'' plan ahead of me to a lovestruck weirdo then i had a BABY and became a ''teen mum'' which obviously came with all the BS the label comes with .Now I'm just trying my hardest to persevere and find a new path whilst trying to grow as a woman.

I came across this on myinnergoddess.blogspot.co.uk and this really does make sense to me right now,but how effective will it be ?


Stage 1 – Loss to Safety
In Stage 1 you admit to yourself that regardless of whether or not you perceive the change to be good or 'bad" there will be a sense of loss of what "was."
Stage 2 – Doubt to Reality
In this stage, you doubt the facts, doubt your doubts and struggle to find information about the change that you believe is valid. Resentment, skepticism and blame cloud your thinking.
Stage 3 – Discomfort to Motivation
You will recognize Stage 3 by the discomfort it brings. The change and all it means has now become clear and starts to settle in. Frustration and lethargy rule until possibility takes over.
The Danger Zone
The Danger Zone represents the pivotal place where you make the choice either to move on to Stage 4 and discover the possibilities the change has presented or to choose fear and return to Stage 1.
Stage 4 – Discovery to Perspective
Stage 4 represents the "light at the end of the tunnel." Perspective, anticipation, and a willingness to make decisions give a new sense of control and hope. You are optimistic about a good outcome because you have choices.
Stage 5 - Understanding
In Stage 5, you understand the change and are more confident, think pragmatically, and your behavior is much more productive. Good thing.
Stage 6 - Integration
By this time, you have regained your ability and willingness to be flexible. You have insight into the ramifications, consequences and rewards of the change -- past, present, and future. 

Sunday 13 January 2013

First Of Many..

Thought it was long overdue and seeing as im a media student the embarrassment of my lack of media , i don't know, participation could you say when it comes to online networking. So yeah :) these are the  interests & opinions of me, Jessica Alexandria Miller .