Tuesday 15 January 2013

Where am i?

Ive noticed lately that I'm going through some kind of weird life transaction which is moving much quicker than I'm able to grasp! Ive gone from being a confident yet a little  strange teenager with a ''set in stone'' plan ahead of me to a lovestruck weirdo then i had a BABY and became a ''teen mum'' which obviously came with all the BS the label comes with .Now I'm just trying my hardest to persevere and find a new path whilst trying to grow as a woman.

I came across this on myinnergoddess.blogspot.co.uk and this really does make sense to me right now,but how effective will it be ?


Stage 1 – Loss to Safety
In Stage 1 you admit to yourself that regardless of whether or not you perceive the change to be good or 'bad" there will be a sense of loss of what "was."
Stage 2 – Doubt to Reality
In this stage, you doubt the facts, doubt your doubts and struggle to find information about the change that you believe is valid. Resentment, skepticism and blame cloud your thinking.
Stage 3 – Discomfort to Motivation
You will recognize Stage 3 by the discomfort it brings. The change and all it means has now become clear and starts to settle in. Frustration and lethargy rule until possibility takes over.
The Danger Zone
The Danger Zone represents the pivotal place where you make the choice either to move on to Stage 4 and discover the possibilities the change has presented or to choose fear and return to Stage 1.
Stage 4 – Discovery to Perspective
Stage 4 represents the "light at the end of the tunnel." Perspective, anticipation, and a willingness to make decisions give a new sense of control and hope. You are optimistic about a good outcome because you have choices.
Stage 5 - Understanding
In Stage 5, you understand the change and are more confident, think pragmatically, and your behavior is much more productive. Good thing.
Stage 6 - Integration
By this time, you have regained your ability and willingness to be flexible. You have insight into the ramifications, consequences and rewards of the change -- past, present, and future. 

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